| The basic physical controls I use consist of Logitech G Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals [1], Brunner CLS-E NG Force Feedback Yoke [2] and V3RNIO+ Flight Sim TPM [3]. |
 | The yoke is mounted on a piece of 9mm plywood with interlocking picture hangers [4]. |
 | The desktop plate has the same picture hangers. |
 | The two sets of picture hangers slide into each other and hold the yoke in place. The round felt disks keep the hangers under tension. |
 | Additional controls for aircraft other than the default Cessna are mounted via slots on the sides and front of the seat plate. |
 | Each control has a mounting plate made of 15mm plywood, with two M6x50 countersunk screws [5], 8x6x1mm spacer sleeves [6], 6x20mm washers and M6 star grip nut clamping buttons [7]. The screws go through 5mm holes in the plywood. If applicable, screw-in nuts [8] are added for mounting the control to the plate. |
 | The mounting plate quickly and easily slides onto the seat plate and is held in place by tightening the two grip nuts. |
 | These are the mounting plates for my controls. From left to right: helicopter collective and cyclic, Airbus sidestick (with armrest) and Airbus throttle quadrant. |
 | Airbus throttle quadrant. |
 | Airbus sidestick with armrest padding [9]. |
 | Helicopter cyclic [10] and collective [11]. |
 | Helicopter configuration. |
 | For the Motion4Sim Controller's [12] handheld device I built this little stand, which is placed on top of the TPM with velcro. |
 | The Airbus and Cessna controls can be mounted simultaneously. When switching to helicopter configuration, the sidestick is replaced with the collective, and the yoke needs to be taken off to make room for the cyclic. |