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Full Motion Flight Simulation Platform

Platform controller

The platform controller receives positioning information from the Motion-Base driver software and has to take care of moving each cylinder to the desired length.

Controller hardware

The controller hardware is based on Motorola's 68HC12 chip. A completely assembled board with this chip is available from a German company named Elektronikladen, but of course any other board will do just as well.

A second board will be designed which holds the peripheral driver chips to control the pneumatic valves, and any necessary I/O connectors.

Controller software

This is probably the single most complicated thing in the entire project. With a hydraulic cylinder you pump in as much hydraulic fluid as desired and the piston will move to its target position and stay there, independent of the forces that are applied to it. With a pneumatic cylinder a compressible medium is used to move the piston, so any change in the forces applied to the piston will result in a change of its position. This makes the whole problem highly dynamic, and I believe the only way to solve it is to use Fuzzy Logic.


The compiler used to build the controller software is the ICC12 C Compiler from ImageCraft.


The controller board using Motorola's 68HC12 chip is operative, and the peripheral controller hardware for one cylinder has been set up on a "breadboard". Now the software to implement the fuzzy control algorithm has to be written.

© 2009 KLS 
 Last modified: Sun Oct 11 15:45:58 2009 by