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© 2024 KLS


Total number of registrations:2287
Deleted registrations:373
Currently registered users:1914
Outdated registrations:1043 (counter entry not accessed in the past year)
Unreachable users:525 (email address no longer valid)
Verified users:871 (accessed their counter entry in the past year)
Total number of VDRs:2866 (1574 still considered active)
Users with 1 VDR:501
Users with 2 VDRs:182
Users with 3 VDRs:106
Users with 4 VDRs:53
Users with 5 VDRs:14
Users with 6 VDRs:7
Users with 7 VDRs:4
Users with 8 VDRs:1
Users with 10 VDRs:2
Users with 11 VDRs:1

VDR Users - 30 years

During the first years of VDR the number of users rapidly increased and maxed out at over 2200. But in March 2015, the counter began sending emails to those who haven't accessed their entry for more than one year, and marking them as "outdated" if they didn't respond by confirming their entry. This caused the number of active users to instantly drop by almost 800, with further drops in the years following. Apparently many of the initial 2200 users only used VDR for a short while. In October 2024 this mechanism was revised so that those who were notified once since 2015 were notified again on a regular basis, and given the option to either confirm or delete their entry. Again, the number of active users dropped by several hundred and in January 2025 leveled off at something over 800.

VDR Users - decade

VDR Users - year

VDR Users - month

VDR Users - week